ACE缓冲器 ML 3325-S的作用及特点
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ACE减震器众所周知的ACE ML 3325-S稳定器是一种阻尼器,它是安装摩擦的屏障:自由振动衰减,我们可以将其衰减。放置在结构系统中的“特殊”组件提供了运动阻力和能量消耗设备。阻尼器吸收能量的应用并不是一项新技术。它在航空航天,航空航天,汽车,汽车和其他行业中具有广泛的应用-“特殊阻尼器(或放置在振动能量的结构系统上的阻尼器)。”组件可以提供运动伸缩性,这是一种消耗动能的装置,我们叫阻尼器。阻尼器也称为阻尼器。一种增加成品阻尼度的设备,以快速减弱冲击产生的振动。理想的阻尼器是ACE油阻尼器。常用的油是硅油,蓖麻油,ACE,机械油,柴油,机油和变压器油。该模板可以填充有板,活塞,方锥,锥等。其他包括ACE固体粘性阻尼器,ACE空气阻尼器和ACE摩擦阻尼器。根据隔振设计的实际需要,阻尼比在D = 0.05〜0.2的范围内。阻尼力通常与振动系统移动的速度成正比。 ACE流体阻尼器主要有三种类型,气体阻尼器和电磁阻尼器。阻尼器用于补偿拾音器系统中的小摩擦和空气,并改善频率响应。众所周知,可以消除削弱自由振动的各种摩擦和其他障碍。
ACE1。精确,均匀的运动以及连续的连续稳定性控制可以提高加工精度。 2.完成止回阀的动作,3.可以使用调节转盘精确调节速度。 4.油压适用于机械手,气动ACE恒速油压机:气缸自动机械,高速铣床,磨床,切碎机,造纸机,攻丝机,打标机,移动式起重机,机器人,印刷机,丝网印刷机。它可以精确控制用于锯齿修整器,切割机以及塑料,金属,木材和玻璃加工行业的研磨和钻孔机的机器速度。 ACETUBUS高回弹减震器:材料:热塑性共聚酯性能:耐油,化学。例如气缸,输送机系统,提升系统,材料加工设备,包装设备,设备,机床,机器人和各种仪器。系统,自动化处理设备,起重机,传送带,转盘,码头设备,铸造厂,升降机,木材加工,海上钻井,桥梁等,以提高系统性能和操作安全性。减震器的主要目的是缓冲机器中的负载冲击,避免碰撞损坏,消除噪音,提高循环速度并提高产品质量。

ACE ML 3325-S稳定器,ACE阻尼器2取代了固定弹簧压缩式计划,3的阻尼力可以在现场实时分配; 4更换特殊结构,可改变刚度,可在设备现场实时调度;由质量决定的设备,可以在主体结构的建造过程中一起进行,当两个接触面相对移动时,金属复合材料对阻尼器的接触力是相反的。当在外部作用下发生瞬态振动时,振铃ACE会一起振动,并且ACE相对运动的突然惯性力会对结构产生反应,从而将这种惯性力转化为结构的振动振动控制,即ACE的固有频率系统和1卷小。其结构是在气罐中添加一个安全气囊,并且容器中的管中充满了一定压力的气体。在道路上,主轴中的液体将气囊拧紧,气囊先膨胀,然后膨胀,然后串联缓冲,但气囊式脉动阻尼器通常价格昂贵,特别是选择方法是每次更换的容积数量(以毫升为单位)。乘以10。即,获得能量转换90%脉冲的最小音量。

ACE ACE ML 3325-S稳定器为汽车制造商提供了几种关键的能量吸收产品,以帮助维持整个行业的工厂运营。大多数汽车制造商在滑架拉杆的接合和分离过程中要求动力和自由输送机系统的平稳运行。滑架的平稳运动减少了对输送机及其所承载的轿厢的损坏。 ACE开发了牵引杆保险杠。提供包括锁紧螺母的直通螺纹,并带有固定挡块。这些缓冲器可立即安装且无需维护。广泛的能量吸收和有效重量也是一个优点。这些小型缓冲器非常适合机械制造,电子技术设备以及机器人制造。
CE简单地说,普通的摩天大楼会在风中摇晃,这种装置是为了减少摩天大楼的摇晃。有许多方法可以减少风对超高层建筑的影响,例如通过改变建筑物的形状来干扰风的能力。新技术的发展是在超高层建筑中安装一种称为“ ACE Wind Damper”的设备,该设备可以有效地减少高层建筑与高层建筑之间的晃动。 ACE风门的本质是阻尼系统或能量吸收装置。 ACE风门还可以减少强烈地震对建筑物的影响,尤其是对建筑物顶部的影响。一般来说,在正常的风压条件下,离地面10米的高度(例如风速5 m / s),然后在90米的高度,风速可以达到15 m / s。如果高达300-400米,则风力会更强劲,也就是说,当风速达到30米/秒或更高时,摩天大楼将震动。使用摇摆来减慢建筑物的摇摆。一旦建筑物被强风晃动,就可以通过传感器将其传输到ACE风门。此时,ACE风门的驱动装置控制重量的作用并减少建筑物的震动。通过引入ACE挡风板,强风期间增加到建筑物的加速度(重力)降低了40%。

ACE Shock Absorber The well-known ACE ML 3325-S stabilizer is a damper that is a friction-mounted barrier: free vibration attenuation, which we can attenuate. The "special" components placed in the structural system provide motion resistance and energy consuming equipment. The application of dampers to absorb energy is not a new technology. It has a wide range of applications in the aerospace, aerospace, automotive, automotive and other industries - "special dampers (or dampers placed on structural systems of vibrational energy)." Components can provide motion scalability, which is a A device that consumes kinetic energy, we call it a damper. Dampers are also known as dampers. A device that increases the degree of damping of the finished product to quickly attenuate the vibration generated by the impact. The ideal damper is an ACE oil damper. Commonly used oils are silicone oil, castor oil, ACE, mechanical oil, diesel, motor oil and transformer oil. The template can be filled with plates, pistons, square cones, cones, and the like. Others include ACE solid viscous dampers, ACE air dampers and ACE friction dampers. According to the actual needs of the vibration isolation design, the damping ratio is in the range of D = 0.05~0.2. The damping force is usually proportional to the speed at which the vibration system moves. There are three main types of ACE fluid dampers, gas dampers and electromagnetic dampers. The damper is used to compensate for small friction and air in the pickup system and to improve the frequency response. It is well known that various frictions and other obstacles that weaken free vibrations can be eliminated.
ACE1. Accurate, uniform motion and continuous continuous stability control improve machining accuracy. 2. Complete the check valve action. 3. You can use the adjustment dial to adjust the speed precisely. 4. Oil pressure is suitable for robots, pneumatic ACE constant speed hydraulic press: cylinder automatic machinery, high speed milling machine, grinding machine, chopper, paper machine, tapping machine, marking machine, mobile crane, robot, printing machine, screen printing machine. It precisely controls the machine speeds of the grinding and drilling machines used in sawtooth trimmers, cutting machines and the plastics, metals, wood and glass processing industries. ACETUBUS High Resilience Shock Absorber: Material: Thermoplastic Copolyester Performance: Oil resistant, chemical. Examples include cylinders, conveyor systems, lifting systems, material processing equipment, packaging equipment, equipment, machine tools, robots and various instruments. Systems, automated processing equipment, cranes, conveyor belts, turntables, dock equipment, foundries, lifts, wood processing, offshore drilling, bridges, etc., to improve system performance and operational safety. The main purpose of the shock absorber is to cushion the load shock in the machine, avoid collision damage, eliminate noise, improve cycle speed and improve product quality.
ACE ML 3325-S stabilizer, ACE damper 2 replaces fixed spring compression plan, 3 damping force can be distributed in real time on site; 4 change special structure, can change stiffness, can be dispatched in real time on equipment site; quality determined The equipment can be carried out together during the construction of the main structure. When the two contact surfaces are relatively moved, the contact force of the metal composite against the damper is reversed. When transient vibration occurs under external action, the ringing ACE will vibrate together, and the sudden inertial force of the ACE relative motion will react to the structure, thereby converting this inertial force into vibration vibration control of the structure, which is inherent to ACE. The frequency system and 1 volume are small. The structure is to add an airbag to the gas cylinder, and the tube in the container is filled with a certain pressure of gas. On the road, the liquid in the main shaft tightens the airbag, the airbag first expands, then expands, and then is buffered in series, but the airbag type pulsation damper is usually expensive, especially the selection method is the volume of each replacement (in milliliters) . Multiply by 10. That is, the minimum volume of the energy conversion 90% pulse is obtained.
The ACE ACE ML 3325-S stabilizer provides automotive manufacturers with several key energy absorbing products to help maintain plant operations throughout the industry. Most car manufacturers require smooth operation of the power and free conveyor system during the engagement and disengagement of the carriage tie rods. The smooth movement of the carriage reduces damage to the conveyor and the car it carries. ACE developed a towbar bumper. A straight-through thread is provided that includes a lock nut with a fixed stop. These buffers are ready to install and require no maintenance. Extensive energy absorption and effective weight are also an advantage. These small bumpers are ideal for machine building, electronics and robotics.
CE simply said that ordinary skyscrapers would shake in the wind, this device is to reduce the shaking of skyscrapers. There are many ways to reduce the impact of wind on supertall buildings, such as the ability to interfere with the wind by changing the shape of the building. The development of new technology is to install a device called “ACE Wind Damper” in super high-rise buildings, which can effectively reduce the sway between high-rise buildings and high-rise buildings. The essence of the ACE damper is the damping system or energy absorbing device. The ACE damper also reduces the impact of strong earthquakes on buildings, especially on the top of buildings. In general, under normal wind pressure conditions, the height of 10 meters from the ground (for example, wind speed of 5 m / s), and then at a height of 90 meters, the wind speed can reach 15 m / s. If it is as high as 300-400 meters, the wind will be stronger, that is, when the wind speed reaches 30 meters / second or higher, the skyscraper will vibrate. Use sway to slow down the swing of the building. Once the building is shaken by strong winds, it can be transmitted to the ACE damper via sensors. At this point, the drive of the ACE damper controls the weight and reduces the vibration of the building. By introducing an ACE windshield, the acceleration (gravity) added to the building during strong winds is reduced by 40%.

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