ACE产品 MC 600的详细介绍
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ACE MC 600稳定器具有减震,大的水平位移和复位功能,并且是一种结合了支撑和能耗的隔振装置。建筑物的无铅芯橡胶轴承(LNR)的阻尼系数较小,通常仅使用其较小的水平刚度ACE来延长结构的使用寿命,以避免地震力对建筑物造成损害。建筑绝缘橡胶轴承是世界上使用最广泛,最成熟的芯橡胶轴承(LRB),并已被铅芯,橡胶层,钢板和其他层压板所取代。导杆。支撑被阻尼并吸收能量;钢板增加了支撑的垂直刚度,因此可以有效地构造结构。橡胶层代替了支撑物的高弹性变形以及复位和承载的功能。因此,铅橡胶轴承具有高负荷特性。
除ACE外,此类阻尼器的内部过程设计要求也更高。 :减震器在打开的容器中产生一定的位移以耗散能量。高度阻尼。因此,在设计中选择粘性液体材料是关键问题。各种粘性阻尼器的常见形式是粘性阻尼壁。没有提供额外的结构刚度。不改变结构的自然振动周期;当时的任何振动都会提供额外的阻尼;减震器可以重复使用,并且可以继续使用在施工现场采样的减震器;它受一定温度的影响。
借助ACE MC 600稳定剂,ACE为汽车制造商提供了一些关键的吸能产品,以帮助维持整个行业的工厂运营。大多数汽车制造商都要求动力和自由度,以便在车架牵引杆(包括固定螺母)接合和分离期间传递螺纹,同时还要提供固定挡块。这些输送机系统的平稳运行。框架的平稳运动减少了对输送机及其所载汽车的损坏。这些小型控制器是机械制造,电子和机器人技术的理想选择。广泛的能量吸收和有效重量也是一个优点。
ACEACE脉动阻尼器在大型计量泵(计量泵)主轴系统中具有三个大致部分:腔室脉动阻尼器,隔膜脉动阻尼器和安全气囊脉动阻尼器,它们的空气选择脉动阻尼器并添加一个将可乐罐与压力连接到导管量规。液体通过拧紧内部空气直接作用,产生缓冲作用。 ACE液压阻尼器是一种振动响应型振动控制装置;主要用于核电厂,火力发电厂,化工厂,钢铁厂等管道和设备的抗振性。通常用于控制流体振动(例如主阀,安全阀的快速关闭)排放,水锤,管道破裂等)和由管道振动引起的振动的影响;用于低振幅传播或高振幅振动的液体阻尼器无法得到有效控制。


ACE MC 600稳定剂,这种变形较小的主体由聚氨酯材料制成,配方适当,重量轻且价格低;它在缓冲过程中可以消耗大约40%的能量,并且回弹很小。压缩性和回弹力好,卸载5分钟后可压缩至50%以上,回收率不低于95%。该材料的微孔结构使该过程类似于具有空气阻尼的弹簧。增加公司的竞争优势。抑制油压腐蚀的主要结构是由阀体,轴,轴承,内管,活塞,液体,弹簧等组成。当轴受到外力冲击时,将带动活塞挤压内部的液压油。管。内管的排油孔一一排出,从内管排出的工作油也通过内管的回油孔返回到内管。当外力消失时,弹簧将活塞弹回至下一个点,以等待下一个动作。原理上,油压振荡器将能够有效地平衡运动物体。消除非机械运动引起的震动和碰撞损坏等冲击。减少噪音并提供安静的工作环境。加快机械驱动的频率并有效地生产高质量的产品。延长机械寿命并减少售后服务。木工机械等。机器停止运转;机器效率的提高,产量的增加,机器使用寿命的延长,维护成本,产品质量的维护,机器的安全运行,机器的安全运行,避免事故的发生,并改善工作环境的效率。

The ACE MC 600 stabilizer features shock absorption, large horizontal displacement and reset function, and is a vibration isolation device that combines support and orientation. The lead-free rubber bearing (LNR) of the building has a small damping coefficient. Generally, the building insulating rubber bearing is the most widely used and most mature core rubber bearing (LRB) in the world, and has been used as a lead core, a rubber layer, and a steel plate. Replaced with other laminates. Guide rod. The support is damped and absorbs energy; the steel plate increases the vertical stiffness of the support so that the structure can be constructed efficiently. The rubber layer replaces the high elastic deformation of the support and the function of resetting and carrying. Therefore, lead rubber bearings have high load characteristics.
: The shock absorber creates a certain displacement in the open container to dissipate energy. Highly damped. Therefore, the selection of viscous liquid materials in the design is a key issue. . No additional structural rigidity is provided. Does not change the natural vibration period of the structure; any vibration at that time provides additional damping; the shock absorber can be reused and can continue to be used. A shock absorber that is sampled at the construction site; it is affected by a certain temperature.
With ACE MC 600 stabilizers, ACE provides automotive manufacturers with some key energy absorbing products to help maintain plant operations across the industry. Most car manufacturers require power and freedom, and the brakes run at the speed of these conveyor systems on the frame drawbars (including fixed). The smooth movement of the frame reduces damage to the conveyor and the cars it carries. These small controllers are ideal for machine building, electronics and robotics. Extensive energy absorption and effective weight are also an advantage.
The damper manufacturer reminds you that it uses the viscosity of the liquid to provide damping to dissipate the vibrational energy. A: The liquid in the closed container is of a certain type, and the piston passes through a small hole to reduce the viscous liquid to stay in a short time, resulting in a large pressure.
The ACEACE pulsation damper has three general parts in the large metering pump (metering pump) spindle system: chamber pulsation damper, alternating pulsation damper and airbag pulsation damper, their air selection pulsation damper and adds a The cola liquid acts directly by tightening the internal air to create a cushioning effect. ACE hydraulic damper is a vibration-responsive vibration control device; it is mainly used for vibration resistance of pipelines and equipment such as nuclear power plants, thermal power plants, chemical plants, and steel plants. Usually used to control fluid vibration (eg main valve, quick closing of safety valve), water hammer, pipe rupture, etc.) and vibration caused by vibration of the pipe; liquid damper for low amplitude propagation or high amplitude vibration cannot Get effective control.
Since the 1970s. People gradually applied these skills to engineering construction, railways, railways, etc., and they are developing very fast.

ACE MC 600 stabilizer, this less deformed body is made of polyurethane material, formulated properly, light weight and low price; it can consume about 40% of energy during the buffering process and has little rebound. It has good compressibility and resilience. It can be compressed to more than 50% after 5 minutes of unloading, and the recovery rate is not less than 95%. The microporous structure of the material makes the process similar to a spring with air damping. Increase the company's competitive advantage. The main structure for suppressing oil pressure corrosion is composed of valve body, shaft, bearing, inner tube, piston, liquid, spring and the like. When the shaft is impacted by an external force, it will drive the piston to squeeze the internal hydraulic oil. tube. The oil drain holes of the inner tube are discharged one by one, and the working oil discharged from the inner tube is also returned to the inner tube through the oil return hole of the inner tube. When the external force disappears, the spring bounces the piston back to the next point to wait for the next action. In principle, the oil pressure oscillator will be able to effectively balance moving objects. Eliminate shocks such as shocks and collision damage caused by non-mechanical motion. Reduce noise and provide a quiet working environment. Accelerate the frequency of mechanical drives and efficiently produce high quality products. Extend mechanical life and reduce after-sales service. Woodworking machinery, etc. The machine stops running; the machine efficiency increases, the output increases, the machine life is extended, the maintenance cost, the product quality maintenance, the safe operation of the machine, the safe operation of the machine, the avoidance of accidents, and the improvement of the working environment.

上一篇:ACE缓冲器 ML 3325-S的作用及特点 下一篇:特殊的ACE ML 3325-S稳速器的特点